I struggled with this for a while, and I think the main trouble I had was with selecting the correct PPD file for CUPS. These commands mainly came from this Ubuntu-fr guide.
- Get the Linux drivers from Canon. (These are for LBP7010C.)
- Extract the archive:
- The guide mentioned above suggests that Glade is a dependency:
- Before installing the drivers, install these 32-bit packages:
- Navigate to the folder containing the Debian package (64-bit in my case) and install the common and capt drivers:
- Now install the driver in CUPS:
Note that I’m using the CAPTJ driver rather than the CAPTK (CNCUPSLBP7018CCAPTK.ppd) driver recommended in the Canon README file - it refused to work when I tried the CAPTK driver. * Now add the printer to ccpd (the printer daemon for CUPS):
You’ll need to check the USB connection to the printer before running this:
to make sure it is connected, and:
you can also check if CUPS detects the printer:
- The guide also suggests the following addition to /etc/init.d/ccpd directly after the first two lines:
- It is also worth checking that the device path is correctly defined in /etc/ccpd.conf:
- And that ccpdadmin has correctly verified the record:
- Finish by starting ccpd:
- You can check the status of the printer using:
It is also worth noting that the USB connection to my printer only works when I restart the printer (i.e. if the printer is on and the computer is restarted the USB connection to the printer is not picked up).